Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Scottsdale, Az

Hormone replacement therapy is a simple treatment that dramatically improves the way your body looks, feels, and functions.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

Many hormones tend to decrease with aging or medical conditions. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) improves the way you look and feel, regardless of your age. Correcting hormone deficiencies is the key that leads to total body harmony. 

BHRT is a delicate balancing act.  Great knowledge of human physiology and biochemistry is necessary to achieve optimal results. Dr. Edwards at Natural Radiance have been certified in this type of therapy and is happy to guide you in this journey safely toward your Fountain of Youth.

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What happens as we age?

When these hormones are out of balance, people can experience a number of different symptoms:

Hormone Replacement

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Women:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Men:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What are the benefits of hormone replacement treatment?

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring the balance of your hormones and aiming to relieve these symptoms, using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces. That way, your body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.

Among the many benefits of BHRT are:

Hormone Replacement
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Intravenous (IV) Therapy

What are BHRT pellets?

Hormone optimization is the result of condensing over 80 years of scientific research into a program that may help with the earliest signs of aging.  Natural Radiance uses bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellets, which are about the size of a grain of rice, for hormone optimization.

Your provider at Natural Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness inserts these tiny pellets under the skin during a simple, in-office procedure. The pellets will then dissolve slowly over time – they only need to be re-administered approximately every 3-5 months, depending on the patient.  As the pellets dissolve, they release a steady stream of hormones into your bloodstream, and will ultimately be completely absorbed, leaving nothing behind.


What should you expect with BHRT?

• Getting started with hormone optimization is easy!

• Contact us at Natural Radiance today to discuss if you may be a good candidate for hormone optimization – you will fill out a simple health assessment and schedule bloodwork to evaluate your current hormone levels.

• BIHR-Certified, Dr. Scott Edwards, will review your lab results with you and develop a personalized care plan based on your results and health goals.

• Most people see results after their first round of pellets, however it many take up to two pellet insertions before experiencing their desired results.

Natural Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness
Construction of hormone molecular formula on blue background
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Introducing Biote...

Natural Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness is a Biote Certified Provider in Scottsdale, Arizona. Biote is the nation’s largest hormone optimization company and has been in business for over 12 years. Biote has translated more than 80 years of scientific insight into the foundation of the Biote Method, which identifies and aims to help with the earliest signs of aging. We at Natural Radiance Aesthetic & Wellness have chosen to partner with Biote because we believe our patients deserve the best – Biote is one of the only hormone optimization. We work with each of our patients on an ongoing basis to analyze their symptoms and lab results using customized dosing to develop a unique, personalized treatment plan for each patient. 

Hormone Replacement
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Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) safe?

Bioidentical hormones give back what is missing to achieve balance in the face of stress, menopause, or other hormone imbalances.  That is why laboratory testing is crucial.  Bioidentical intervention cannot be performed without actually knowing what the deficiencies are.  The bioidentical hormones are identical in substance, does, and duration.  This rules out most prescribed pharmaceutical agents.   

Do not be fooled with marketing.  The words, natural” and bioidentical” are not interchangable.  Just because something is natural” does not mean it is right for the human body.  Horse urine, which is used to make many hormones, is natural too!  Conversely, a synthetic agent made completely in a laboratory would not be considered natural,” but it may be bioidentical – as long as the molecular structure is exactly the same as the one produced by you. 

Keep in mind, bioidentical substances cannot be patented unless there is something unique about their preparation.  That is why pharmaceutical companies push non-bioidentical hormones.  These companies are not concerned about health and wellness, only making a profit.  For better for for worse, there is no major money to be make in bioidentical hormones.

For example, let us consider one hormone that can diminish for any number of reasons and is commonly replaced:  Progesterone.  Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), is a commonly prescribed progesterone replacement.  It is NOT bioidentical as it has several molecules added to make it “different” and therefore patentable and profitable to pharmaceutical companies.  MPA will indeed balance estrogenic stimulation of the endometrium, which was why it was developed, however, it comes with an FDA label that will warn you and your physician of the following known side-effects:

  • Increased depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness
  • Increases bone loss and seizure potential
  • Harmful affects effects to lipid (fat)and glucose metabolisms
  • Increases risks of blood clots
  • Increases in acne
  • Fluid retention
  • Increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer
  • AND inhibits the production of natural progesterone!


Bioidentical progesterone, on the other hand, has:

  • No negative effects on lipids (fat), or the cardiovascular system
  • No effects on blood clot formation and inflammatory factors
  • Less bloating and water retention
  • Better sleep patterns and moods than on MPA
  • Relieves hot flashes and improves sex drive when given alone
  • Reduces all premenstrual symptoms (PMS) when given alone
  • Improves bone building
  • Does not interfere with the protective effects of estrogen on the heart
  • AND will NOT inhibit the production of natural progesterone!

This is not speculation, this is science! 

For example, in a published study, 176 women were changed from Provera (MPA) to bioidentical progesterone resulting in 50% improvement in hot flashes, 42% improvement in depression symptoms and 47% less anxiety. (Womens Health and Gender Based Medicine, 2000; 9:381-7)

In another study, bioidentical progesterone demonstrated no cancer-promoting effects on healthy breast tissue (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2005; 96: 95-108)

Patents treated with bioidentical progesterone have demonstrated more cardiovascular protection than those treated with Provera (MPA). (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1995; 273(3):199-208)

A French study demonstrated a decreased breast cancer risk in 1150 woman predisposed to developing breast cancer but were taking bioidentical progesterone. (Institute de la Ville Sanitaire, Janvier, 2008)

And this is just a small sample of medical literature on one hormone.  The list of science supporting bioidentical hormones is vast and compelling.  Natural Radiance focuses on evidence-based medicine and, for this reason, will only offer bioidentical hormones to you.

Cropped view of man picking up hormonal drug from jar in syringe on blue surface
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Introducing biote

Which integrated services help to improve my BHRT outcomes?

Natural Radiance is dedicated to having you Look Natural and Feel Radiant!

The professionals at Natural Radiance may suggest other services that will work with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in helping you achieve your desired result.  Holistic nutrition and IV therapies will help keep your body healthy to withstand the stresses of your reinvigorated lifestyle.  Certain peptides may optimize your ability to metabolize and utilize these hormones to their fullest.  Massage therapists have unique ways to revitalize your body to continue its youthful lifestyle.  Women may consider additional vaginal rejuvenation treatments to supplement the natural effects of hormone therapy on their new heightened sexual interest.  Hair restoration may assist BHRT in treating alopecia (hair loss) caused by hormone imbalances in both men and women.  These are just some examples of how an integrated approach will exceed your expectations!

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Dr. Scott

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